Monday, 1 November 2010


Language- This is the conventions used in the music video. These conventions are what are recognised as part of media, for instance the types of shots used in the music videos like shots of the band playing live. Roughly the videos split into different categories, performance videos, abstract videos and abstract videos.

Institution- Institutions are the companies that produce, market and distribute the music video and the artists music. For example, Universal and Sony.

Ideology- These are the ideas behind a piece of media text, these ideas are the reason why the media text is made in a certain way and also they involve the message that the artist wishes to get across.

Audience- These are the people that the media text is targeted at.

Representation- This is how the band is represented through the video and how the song is represented through the video. The music video needs to represent the mood and genre of the song it is for, and also the image of the artist. The music video often contains connotations of the music lyrics.

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